All you need to know about a golfcart rental on Bonaire

Before you cruise off into the sunset, read on everything you need to know about renting a golfcart on Bonaire. Find all the answers you need in our FAQ section below.

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to pay a deposit to rent a golfcart?
It depends on the service package. With CDW normal you need to pay a deposit of $250 that will be charged as reservation on your creditcard. If you coose to add the CDW super package for 15$ per day, then you don't have to pay a deposit.
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept all major creditcards.
Do you do delivery/pickup on location?
No, unfortunately due to the high demand in the high season it's not possible to do delivery and pickup on location. The easiest is to get cab, this is a phone no. of a taxi we use a lot: 005997 966 338.
Can I purchase an additional rental insurance?
The golfcart is standardly all risk insured. You can choose to add a service package for $15 per day. This includes: Zero deductible, full theft insurance, flat tire service, zero deposit.
How old do I have to be to rent a cart on Bonaire?
To rent a golcart at golfcart rental bonaire you need to be 21 years old.
What is the cancellation policy?
You can cancell for any reason up untill 24 hours in advance of your booking. You will also be entitled for a full refund if your cruiseship doesn't dock.
Does the golfcart need to be refueled?
Yes, the golfcart needs to be refueled. The cart needs to be filled up with petrol, regular unleaded gas. If you did not manage to refuel it we will ask you to pay the fuel price + extra tank service of 15$ during the check out.
What do I need to in case of an accident?
Remain calm, stop driving and park the car on the side. Call HB road service on 005997 852 604 , they will repair the tire on location. If you have full insurance the bill will be paid by Pickup Huren Bonaire. If you don’t have this it will be deducted from your deposit. Inform Golfcart rental Bonaire via email, whatsapp or by calling onTBD.